Remedies Are Many...
“As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.”
― Harrington Emerson
What is a remedy?
If we look at the etymology of the word remedy we find that in the 1200s a “remedie” was a “means of counteracting sin or evil of any kind; cure for a vice or temptation;”. By the late 14th century the Anglo-French word remedie was interpreted as “a cure for a disease or disorder, medicine or process which restores health”. And by the mid-15th century the word was also being used to mean “legal redress; means for obtaining justice, redress, or compensation through a court”.
In today’s Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (which governs all commercial transactions in the UNITED STATES) “‘Remedy’ means any remedial right to which an aggrieved party is entitled with or without resort to a tribunal.” UCC § 1-201. General Definitions. 32. In the same list of General Definitions under UCC § 1-201 34 we find: “‘Right’ includes remedy.”
So a remedy brings harmony or order out of disease or disorder. It is a right granted to us by the Universe (or God if it pleases you), a right granted by contract, or a right granted by law. It is a reordering or cure of a current circumstance or state of Being using the Universal right to rebalance the energy where the energy is not being used properly, efficiently, equitably or elegantly.
This site is dedicated to the creation and application of remedies for the complex world that exists today. We will bring forth all manner of remedies related to all manner of disorders, blights, sins, vices, diseases, injustices, inequities, disharmonies, dissonance, division, scarcity, shortage or failure.
As the title states: “Remedies Are Many”. However, as Harrington Emerson so wisely stated: “As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.”
What is a principle?
In the late 14th century it was the “‘origin, source, beginning’ (a sense now obsolete), also ‘rule of conduct; axiom, basic assumption; elemental aspect of a craft or discipline,’” . However, in Black’s Law Dictionary – Sixth Edition, we find: “A truth or proposition so clear that it cannot be proved or contradicted unless by a proposition which is still clearer”. Now there are Universal principles that have been handed down to us from ancient spiritual texts as well as universal principles that have been handed down to us via science. In addition, almost every field of study has a set of principles that they work from.
REKTIFIRE provides remedies that are based on trusted principles. These remedies are designed for simple implementation with long lasting results.